Laudare - Requiem (2024)

Laudare is a post-hardcore/post-rock/black metal band with a female vocalist and cello from Leipzig, Germany

Been looking forward to this album for a long time. The cello is a new addition, as their two previous albums did not include it (but they are highly recommended as well).

Album Description

All tracks include cello


  1. Introitus
  2. Dies Irae
  3. Quid Sum Miser
  4. Rex Tremendae
  5. Quaerens Me
  6. Lacrimosa
  7. Offertorium
  8. Hostias
  9. Sanctus
  10. Agnus Dei


Respire - Hiraeth (2024)

Respire is a blackened screamo band from Toronto, Canada that incorporates various unconventional instruments into their music (saxophone, glockenspiel, trumpet, violin, viola, cello, etc)

Album Description

All tracks include violin/viola


  1. Keening
  2. The Match, Consumed
  3. Distant Light of Belonging
  4. First Snow
  5. Home of Ash
  6. Voiceless; Nameless
  7. The Sun Sets Without Us
  8. We Grow Like Trees in Rooms of Borrowed Light
  9. Do the Birds Still Sing?
  10. Farewell (In Standard)


Hemiptera - Demo MMXXIV (2024)

Hemiptera is a melodic anarchist crust band with cello from Brighton, UK

Album Description

All tracks include cello


  1. Die
  2. Lavoro
  3. Notti Nere
  4. Riparo
  5. Vendo il mio tempo



Foxtails - Home (2024)

Foxtails is a screamo band from Connecticut, USA

Album Description

All tracks include violin


  1. dereliction
  2. dissection
  3. deconstruction


Kataфrakta - Split with Warbeat (2021)

Kataфrakta (Katafrakta) is a neocrust/d-beat band with violin from Moscow, Russia

More tracks that aren't on Bandcamp can be found on the band's VK page and YouTube

Special thanks to blog-reader Oyama for recommending this album

Album Description

All Kataфrakta tracks include violin


  1. Kataфrakta - Апофеоз
  2. Kataфrakta - Невидимый Враг
  3. Kataфrakta - Панихида
  4. Warbeat - Обратный Отсчёт
  5. Warbeat - Пустошь
  6. Warbeat - Молчи И Подчиняйся!
  7. Warbeat - Государственный Террор



Anareta - Fear Not (2023)

Anareta is a blackended doom band with cello, viola, violin, and a female vocalist from New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

More on the metal side of things, but still fits this blog well I think

Similar to: Somnolence

Special thanks to Bee from Threskiornis for recommending this album

Album Description

All tracks include cello, viola, and violin


  1. Frozen Wasteland
  2. Omnicide
  3. Unforgiving Sun
  4. The Descent
  5. Locality
  6. Black Snake


Selvmørd - After // Death (2020) [Song]

Selvmørd is a blackened crust band from Surabaya, Indonesia.

Unsure about the instrument used, I'm assuming it's cello. This song is also included as a part of this four-way split between Indonesian bands

Album Description

The track includes cello (or another string instrument)


  1. After // Death

